Virginia Madsen… In Her Own Words.
•• Thank you for those who have already sent me so many beautiful birthday wishes. It’s strange to have your birthday on 9-11. I always loved having a party and celebrating my birthday but that all changed in 2001. My little boy asked why and how and all the questions so many children asked on that day. I remember telling him that more people helped and more people prayed on that day than ever before in history. The good was far more powerful than hate could ever be.
The next year, my little Jack was starting 2nd. grade. He wanted me to celebrate my birthday cause I’d missed it the year before and I told him it wasn’t really a day to have fun for my own sake. When he came home from school, he had a backpack full of birthday greetings made by all the kids in his class for “Jacks Mom”. He said “Mama, that was only one day. Today is your birthday and it should be happy. I love you.” I read each card from these little children and wept. Their innocent love touched my heart and I felt it was ok to have a birthday, honor my Mother and Father and blow out the candles.
I will always honor this day and what happened to all of us all over the world because we changed. But this many years later, even when I feel somewhat frivolous, I will always be grateful for my family who’ve taught me and loved me so well and to my beautiful son who continues to remind me to celebrate my birthday. Today I remember.
Here’s to the best year ever. I’m pretty sure it will be a year full of Joy!
V mad