Virginia Madsen

Official Website

Welcome to “The Official Website of Virginia Madsen”

Welcome to The Official Website of Virginia Madsen, a site dedicated to the multi-talented and gorgeous american actress and producer Virginia Madsen, best known for her role as Maya in the film Sideways and giving her an Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination for this film project.

The site is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox, with a screen resolution of 1024×768 or higher. We hope you enjoy your stay, please visit us again and check back daily for the latest on Virginia Madsen and don’t forget to always leave your comments and inquiries about the site!


2 comments on “Welcome to “The Official Website of Virginia Madsen””

  1. Perla says:

    Wow an official site! Great work, very beautiful!

    Virginia Rocks! <3

  2. Wendy Becher says:

    Thank you!

    Watched SIDEWAYS…again…still can barely catch my breath after your monologue discussing wine as a living thing. From the moment your character asks about the Pinot fixation, and listens, truly listens to the answer, the world tilts on its axis. The work is beyond brilliant, coming as close to perfection in film performance as I have ever seen, or heard.

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